This week I plan on glazing my two soup bowls and my tall project. The soup bowls will probably be blue and white and green and white. The tall project might be shadow green and dipped half way in white. After I glaze I will work on my set of three. I have my mug ready but I am going to throw a plate and another mug. Hopefully they will be ready to glaze by next week
this week I will be footing my soup bowls. I will also be attempting a tall. I might not do I good tall project so I will probably start over a couple times.
this week I need to start making my two soup bowls. hopefully I can get them both done and ready to foot by Monday. if not done by Monday I will continue throwing until the can both be hardened and later glazed. its my first week back on the wheel so I think the bowls might be very badly done but I will try.